Opening a vault

To open a vault:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Type the address of the Meridian website and press Enter. The format of the address is:

    http://<server name>/Meridian/start

    Check with a system administrator if you are unsure of the address. The administrator may also have created a desktop shortcut for you.
  3. Depending on how your system is configured, you may need to log on.
  4. The vault selection page appears.
  5. Click the name of the vault that you want to open. If you have not yet selected a default scope for the vault the scope selection page appears.
  6. Click the name of the scope that you want to use. The Folders view appears.

To open a vault:

  1. Start BC-Meridian PowerUser from the Windows Start menu or a desktop shortcut. The program opens the vault that you worked in last.
  2. To open a different vault:
    1. On the Vault menu, click Open. The Open Vault dialog box appears.
    2. Select a vault from the list or select a different server from the Server list to open a vault located there.
    3. To open a vault at an existing baseline or a specific moment in history, select options in the Open at group.
    4. Click OK. If more than one scope has been configured for a vault by a system administrator, the Select Scope dialog box appears. Otherwise, the vault is opened and the default navigation view appears.
      • Select a scope from the list and click OK. The vault opens and the default navigation view appears. For more information about scopes, see Understanding scopes.

Related concepts

About the Meridian Web Client

Understanding the menus

About read-only web access

Related tasks

Navigating to a document

Finding documents

Showing master and project copies

Creating a folder

Creating documents

Downloading documents

Uploading documents

Working with document workflows

Building a report

Working with work areas

Working with references

Working with hybrid documents

Setting personal preferences

Sending document shortcuts from the Meridian Web Client

Logging off